Turn down the heat and sleep well

Easier to fall asleep. Deeper, dream-filled sleep. These are some of the health benefits of lowering the indoor temperature in your bedroom. The feeling of pulling up a really thick down comforter right up to a frozen nose tip also makes most people long for bedtime. A heavy, thick duvet helps the body to settle down and lie still all night, like a warm embrace. 

We sleep better in a cool bedroom.

Research shows that 15-19 degrees is an optimal temperature for the body to fall asleep - and to stay asleep. Sleep in cooler rooms is deeper and contains more dreams. It allows for better recovery and we therefore also feel more rested when we wake up in a cool room.

Making your bed with a warm and heavy duvet makes a cooler bedroom enjoyable,
even in winter. And the feeling of pulling a really thick down comforter up to a frozen nose makes most people long for bedtime! In fact, the heavy down comforter provides unbeatable comfort in cooler rooms - that's why down comforters are a classic bedding choice in alpine areas, where nights can get very cold.

A Happy Fluffy Cloud down duvet is based on a traditional construction - the duvet has double outer seams but no channel seams or compartments like a normal lighter down duvet. This allows the down and feather filling to come into its own: with plenty of air and height. A down duvet packs a punch: a Happy Fluffy Cloud weighs almost five kilos (compare the weight with other duvets and you'll get a hint of the difference..). The down can be distributed according to preference - some like the warmest on their feet, while others love to have book-reading-thick duvet support all the way up to their chin. But above all, a heavy thick duvet lies more still on top of our bodies when we sleep. Then we lie still and sleep is deep.

So much for the health benefits of a cool indoor climate and a thick blanket. But what we at Happy Fluffy Cloud love most about bolsters is, of course, the cosiness. We think of our fluffy sleeping clouds as the soft exclamation point of the home. Combine with crisp sheets, raggedy socks, two hours of phone chatter, ice cream swaps, cat tails, frost on the box tarot cards, or sleepy mornings - you decide!